Why bother with one poster when you can put up 20 or 30 or 50? Zak Topuzi in open neck shirt looking casual for the young folks. Zak Topuzi in collar and tie looking formal for the old folks. Not too many women have appeared on the b.../b
E per çka btopuzi/b e niset LUFTEN???? Kosova eshte e ndare ne treqind pjese,kete e mundesuan trimat komandanta te uçkes,dhe luften qe e zhvillun ne kosove e banen qe kosova te mbesi prape e serbise,vetem tue i qitur popullit fytyres nje komofllazhe te poshtersirave ne b....../b Tens of thousands of Hungarian farmhands have been left behind since the break-up of the big bestates/b in the Vojvodina and constitute a great burden for the Serbian and German farm owners in the region. b.../b
Meine achte Essener Wohnung (1. April 1988 bis 18. September 1991) war ein Schnäppchen: ein Altbau im Stadtwald mit einem riesigen Wohnzimmer, parkettiertem Fußboden, vielen Fenstern, hohen Decken, einer endlos langen Wand für meine b.../b